School Spending

Building covered in red tape

Growth in Administrative Staff, Assistant Principals Far Outpaces Teacher Hiring

Labor Department counts 271,020 K-12 “education administrators,” with an average wage of more than $100,000 a year
Illustration of coins falling into a school-shaped piggy bank

When it Comes to School Funds, Hold-Harmless Provisions Aren’t “Harmless”

Funding crunch is a chance to revise, remove arcane, inequitable grandfather clauses

Teacher Pension Plans and the Covid Recession

Any federal bailout should come with conditions attached

Professionalizing Teaching and Winning the Salary Wars

‘Grand bargain’ would feature higher pay and increased accountability.

You Might Be Surprised Which States Prioritize Higher Teacher Salaries

The U.S. is spending dramatically more per pupil than in decades past, yet teacher salaries have barely kept pace with inflation.

Dear Districts: These Are the Glory Days. Are You Ready for Tomorrow’s Financial Pain?

Just like the years leading up to 2008, the last few years have yielded stronger growth in funds for schooling. And just like in 2008, there are signs of trouble ahead.

EdStat: The U.S. Federal Government Spends Roughly $26 Billion Annually on Programs and Tax Expenditures to Support the Care and Education of Young Children

But how much are individual households spending to send a child to a center-based program when no one is helping them pay?

EdStat: Only Five of the Country’s 13,600 Districts Have Applied to the Weighted Student Funding Pilot, Part of the Every Student Succeeds Act

Why have only five of the country’s 13,600 districts applied to the weighted student funding pilot, part of the Every Student Succeeds Act?


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