Standards, Testing, and Accountability


Wisconsin’s Act 10, Flexible Pay, and the Impact on Teacher Labor Markets

Student test scores rise in flexible-pay districts. So does a gender gap for teacher compensation.

PISA: Mission Failure

With so much evidence from student testing, why do education systems continue to struggle?
Exterior of an urgent care facility

The “Urgency” Issue

What some see as a key ingredient in educational improvement has come under attack.
Names of some of Boston Latin School’s prominent graduates are on the walls of the school’s auditorium.

What I Learned Leading America’s First Public School

A culture of urgency, grounded in love, is essential, at “high-performing” and “underperforming” schools alike. And try to find a way to refill your cup.

Progress Is Possible

A longer-term look defies conventional narratives of an education system in decline

“It Felt Like Guerrilla Warfare”

Student achievement levels in the Nation’s Report Card: a brief history of “basic,” “proficient,” and “advanced”

End the Birthday Bias

Age allowances in high-stakes tests are a proven boost for fairness
Parents and schoolchildren demonstrate their support for charter schools and protest the racial achievement gap in New York City.

The Bigger Picture of Charter School Results

A National Analysis of System-Level Effects on Test Scores and Graduation Rates


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