Fall 2018: Vol. 18, No. 4

Judging Choice

Court victory for charter schools in Louisiana

Rethinking the Rules on Federal Higher-Ed Spending

How can Congress spur innovation while clamping down on fraud?

Change the Rules to Unleash Innovation

Although federal spending on higher education has expanded access, it has also had an unintended effect.

Strong Hand of Regulation Protects Students

Lawmakers charged with writing a new Higher Education Act (HEA) face a dilemma.

Privatization in American Education: Rhetoric vs. Facts

Given the recent rhetoric of education reform’s critics, one might be forgiven for thinking that American private schools are at the peak of their influence.

Taking Teacher Coaching To Scale

Can Personalized Training Become Standard Practice?

Has Inclusion Gone Too Far?

Weighing its effects on students with disabilities, their peers, and teachers

Private Colleges in Peril

Financial pressures and declining enrollment may lead to more closures

Q&A: Rebecca Friedrichs

Reflections on the Janus v. AFSCME ruling, from the plaintiff in a similar case


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