Summer 2017: Vol. 17, No. 3

Measuring Up

Assessing instructor effectiveness in higher education

Boosting Hispanic College Completion

Does high-school recruiting help more students graduate?

Justice Gorsuch, Meet James G. Blaine

The Supreme Court has a new opportunity to clarify matters in a case scheduled for oral argument on April 19, just days after Justice Neil Gorsuch’s arrival on the bench.

Special Education Standards

Supreme Court raises level of benefit

Clown School

A review of "Class Clowns: How the Smartest Investors Lost Billions in Education" by Jonathan A. Knee

On Teaching Controversy

A review of "The Case for Connection" by Jonathan Zimmerman and Emily Robertson

Hamilton Goes to High School

How students are learning U.S. history from the hottest show on Broadway

Why Accountability Matters, and Why It Must Evolve

Try to think of an education policy that 1) has been shown, in dozens of studies across multiple decades, to positively affect student outcomes; 2) has the overwhelming support of parents and voters; 3) reinforces many other policies and facilitates quality research; and 4) has been used widely at the district, state, and national levels for decades or more.


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