Fall 2003: Vol. 3, No. 4

The Power to Perform

Attracting nontraditional leaders to education will require increasing their authority and compensation, conditioned on getting results

The Neutrality Principle

Joshua Davey was once intent on becoming a minister, a plan that cost him...
Figure 1: Growth in percentage of students given special accomodations when taking the SAT, 1987-2001

Disabling the SAT

The College Board undermines its premier test

Puzzled States

In January 2002, President George W. Bush signed a comprehensive revision of the Elementary...

The Politics of No Child Left Behind

The scene in January 2002 was a civics text come to life. Flanked by...

Tug of War

The Right wants schools to inculcate civic values. So does the Left. Which is why the public schools should avoid civic education altogether

Critical Demagogues

To the egoistic and asocial being that has just been born, must, as...

Let’s Not Play Favorites

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court declared the city of Cleveland's school voucher program...

Amrein and Berliner defend their study; so does the AFT

One would think that economist Michael Podgursky ("Fringe Benefits," Check the Facts, Summer 2003) would analyze teachers' salaries through the lens of supply and demand.


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