Winter 2001: Vol. 1, No. 4

A Steeper, Better Road to Graduation

It’s time for America to adopt European-style exit exams

When Schools Compete

Does school choice push public schools to improve?

A Work in Progress

After five years, school choice is beginning to have visible effects in Michigan’s education system.

Finishing Touches

If school vouchers bettered the educational opportunities only of children who use the vouchers to attend private schools or schools in another district, many reformers would be left holding cups half empty.

Round and Round They Go

Can new management save urban school districts?

Old Wine, New Bottles

In Baltimore, the mayor's lack of success at school reform led to a state takeover of the city's schools. In Washington, D.C., mayoral control has begun to stabilize the system. So what does this tell us about the ability of city hall to run a school system?

Can’t Let Go

Just a few years back, school-based management was the rage in Cleveland. Except that the central office wasn't all that interested in relinquishing control

Hero Worship

Cities look for a savior to transform their school systems, lasting reform takes a sustained, community-wide effort

School @ Home

Fearing conformity, violence, secularism, or simply bad teaching, more and more parents are taking their children's education into their own hands. And more and more of their children are entering the nation's finest institutions of higher education. Can home schoolers handle college life?

Fixing Federal Research

Education demands a first-rate R & D shop. The Department of Education isn't it-yet


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