School Spending

Figure 1: 22 states report no details on how ESSER dollars are spent

The Massive ESSER Experiment: Here’s what we’re learning.

Big investments in labor and vendor contracts, but scant information on how the spending affects students.
A child playing on a trampoline

Education Choice Means Accountability to Families

Concerns about waste and fraud in ESAs are misplaced, especially in comparison to other government programs.
Photo of Jon Fullerton

Why It’s So Tough to Get the Data Educators Want

“Data gaps” bedevil early childhood, school spending, postsecondary outcomes, and tutoring interventions.
Julia Keleher, secretary of education of Puerto Rico, was sentenced to six months in federal prison after ushering in sweeping reforms, such as including breaking up the central education bureaucracy and introducing charter schools.

Punishment for Making Hard Choices in a Crisis: Federal Prison

Why every education leader should care about what happened to Julia Keleher

Ed Finance Guru Marguerite Roza on How Schools Can Best Spend Covid Aid

One concern: using the money to backfill budgets that should have been rightsized years ago for enrollment drops that started long before the pandemic.
U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) speaking at a meeting of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Don’t Plan on That Federal Education Spending Spree

Ambitious plans to make community college “free” or pre-K “universal” will have to be radically downsized.


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